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Foopak is developed to meet the international standard requirement of a board packaging that is safe for direct contact with food. Foopak is designed to enhance the performance value of packaged processed food through its unique features as well as promoting an environmentally friendly board solution.
Not all food packaging is safe for consumer. This is due to the tendency of migration and contamination of chemical contents from the packaging to the food inside. In addition, certain food packaging solution would sustain low temperature but tend to be decomposed when direct heating is applied. Foopak answers to the challenge by ensuring no food contamination through chemical migration, giving specific unique characteristic to its packaging application, whilst providing wider temperature range to increase the flexibility of food packaging in sustaining instant heat exposure after storage at low temperature. Foopak Greaseproof Board®, Foopak Hardsize Board®, Foopak Heatsealable Board®, and Foopak Bio Natura Cup® are more biodegradable when compared to other paperboard.
Yes, Foopak costs a bit more than regular folding box board due to the cost of materials needed to design its performance advantages for food application. However, Foopak Greaseproof Board®, Foopak Hardsize Board® and Foopak Heatsealable Board® are generally cheaper than regular poly-coated boards.
Except for Foopak PE Board® & Foopak Natura Cup®, Foopak board coating uses food grade chemical ingredients that are finely selected and certified. These chemical ingredients are a combination of synthetic polymer, natural / naturally-modified polymer.
Yes. Foopak Greaseproof Board®, Foopak Hardsize Board®, Foopak Heatsealable Board® and Foopak Bio Natura Cup® has no negative implication towards environment after disposal. In fact, Foopak Heatsealable Board® passed ISEGA EN 13432 on Compostability Test. However, this is exceptional for Foopak PE Board® & Foopak Natura Cup® that requires certain treatment to become compost material.
According to ISEGA EN 13432 on Compostability Test, Foopak Heatsealable Board® successfully composted up to 8% of its total weight after 12 weeks. In this Compostability Test method, a board product is categorized to be decomposable when the remaining decomposed particles becomesMenurut ISEGA EN 13432 tentang Uji Keteruraian, Foopak Heatsealable Board® berhasil terurai hingga 8% dari berat totalnya setelah 12 minggu. Dalam metode Uji Keteruraian ini, produk kemasan dikategorikan menjadi mudah terurai ketika sisa partikel-partikel terurai meliputi kurang dari 10% dari berat totalnya, dengan ukuran maksimum 2 mm dalam waktu kurang dari enam bulan berturut-turut. Namun, konsumen disarankan agar memilih produk Foopak agar buangan sampah yang dihasilkan lebih baik dan ramah lingkungan. less than 10 percent from its total weight with the maximum size of 2 mm under six consecutive months. However, it is always recommended that customers take advantage of the feature and support the appropriate environmentally friendly disposal options.
The use of recycled fiber in food board packaging through its appearance indicates risk towards food safety. Consumers are getting more selective in preferring board packaging for their food. We understand that giving consumer a value for food safety to use 100% virgin fiber is crucial.
Some foods such as bakeries and donuts contain oil and grease, where migration through the paperboard could be an issue. Many solve this matter using plastic or woodfree paper layer to avoid direct contact of food with the packaging board, especially when the board is made from recycled fibers. With Foopak Greaseproof Board board, oil and grease penetration can be sustained so that the food quality and taste are preserved. Thus, the use of plastic or grease paper is no longer necessary.
The top side of the board is suitable for regular offset food grade ink. However, it is best to use a food grade UV ink to print the back side of the board.
This is only to the case in Foopak Greaseproof Board® where kit level 6 is advisable to use water based glue. Additionally, board with kit level 8-10 is preferred to use acrylic and hot melt.
Yes. Unfortunately, it should be anticipated that MVTR value may reduce by 20-30 gsm post-press depending on printing technique. Our MVTR specification for Foopak Heatsealable Board® has maximum of 150 gsm/day.
It means that the board features a characteristic to strongly seal together when heat is applied on both side of the board. Heat-seal property applies to both back side-to-backside and top side-to-back side of Foopak Heatsealable Board®. This means that the use of glue can be eliminated. The sealing strength is determined by temperature, contact time and pressure of the sealing machine.
Kit level determines the capability to resist oil, grease, or wax penetration through paperboard when in direct contact with food. This means that the higher kit level indicates higher oil resistance in paperboard. Foopak Greaseproof Board ® has kit 6, 8 and 10.
The term KIT test is promoted by Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) through TAPPI UM 557 as a method to assess the repellency of paper and board to grease, oil and waxes.
Foopak Hardsize Board® is engineered under special base board to sustain storage in lower temperatures and have very low moisture absorption. For much higher requirement for packaged food sealability, Foopak Heatsealable Board® is designed with low Moisture Vapor Transmittance Rate (MVTR) to protect the freshness of the food inside the packaging. This results the board not to be easily penetrated by air and moisture particles that travels through the pores of the board. As a comparison to the regular paperboard, Foopak Heatsealable Board® has MVTR at around 150 g/m2/day where as regular folding box board has minimum 1,500 g/m2/day.
Also known as Water Vapor Transmittance Rate (WVTR), it measures the transmittance rate of molecules of water in vapor phase that migrates from the surrounding area into the inner side of the packaging through the micro-porosity inside the paperboard structure. The higher the value means that vapor is easier to migrate from one side to the other side of the paperboard.
Sustainability of oil and grease penetration is dependant to the kit level, food temperature, food weight pressure to the paperboard and the duration of contact with paperboard. This is not to mention many other variables such as oil ingredient and food greasiness that adds to the factor. As an illustration, a 1.8 cm diameter of palm oil at above 100 oC is applied on Foopak Greaseproof Board® kit 8 without pressure. The board sustained up to 6 days Perlindungan kemasan terhadap rembesan minyak dan lemak bergantung pada level KIT, suhu makanan, tekanan dari berat makanan yang dikemas, dan lama waktu kontak makanan dengan kemasan. Masih ada banyak variabel lain, seperti jenis minyak dan makanan berminyak. Sebagai contoh, minyak sawit berdiameter 1,8 cm di atas suhu 100 oC dikemas dalam kemasan Foopak Greaseproof Board® dengan level KIT 8 tanpa tekanan. Kemasan ini dapat bertahan hingga 6 hari. Setelahnya, rembesan akan mulai terlihat pada sisi atas kemasan.after penetration becomes visible to the top side of the board.
Produk Foopak umumnya memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik daripada kemasan karton biasa. Berdasarkan pengalaman kami menggunakan Foopak Hardsize Board® sebagai kemasan sekunder untuk pelanggan kami saat ini, kemasan mampu bertahan dengan baik dan tetap kokoh dalam lemari es bersuhu -20 oC selama lebih dari 6 bulan.
Berdasarkan pengalaman kami, Foopak Heatsealable Board®, Foopak Hardsize Board® dan Foopak Greaseproof Board® dengan fitur Hardsize Board dapat bertahan di paparan suhu dari -20 oC hingga 175 oC.
Tidak. Meskipun Foopak Hardsize Board® dapat bertahan dengan baik pada suhu yang lebih rendah, Foopak Hardsize Board® hanya direkomendasikan untuk kemasan sekunder. Hal ini karena pada suhu yang sangat rendah, makanan cenderung membeku dan menempel dengan kemasan karton. Dalam kondisi seperti itu, PE Laminated® diperlukan agar kemasan mudah dilepaskan dari makanan yang sudah membeku tersebut. Idealnya, Foopak Hardsize Board® dapat digunakan untuk kontak langsung dengan makanan dalam kondisi suhu dingin sekitar 5 oC hingga -10 oC.
Yes. Foopak have certificates that show it complies to US FDA regulation and ISEGA accredited. FDA, abbreviated from Food & Drug Administration, has been the point of reference for food safety regulation and supervision in the United States. Additionally, ISEGA is a reference for research and testing institute that assess board products to fulfill European Commission regulation on food packaging. Other data on certification and tests can be downloaded from the website link:
Yes. The FDA and ISEGA certification indicates test results from Foopak boards to be safe for direct contact application with food. In fact, these certifications lists the results of all key parameters needed to assess board applicability towards food contact including health-related evaluations.
No. Foopak boards has been tested in by the European Standards DIN EN 14338:2003 to be safe in sustaining heat exposure equivalent to microwave heat for 175 oC for 2 minutes duration.
No. Foopak board successfully passed the European Standards through DIN EN 14338:2003 test on migration from paper and board using modified polyphenylene oxide (MPPO) as a simulant. The test results is available from the website link:
No. Foopak boards do not contain any recycled fibers. According to some researcher, chemical content within the recycled fiber have tendency to migrate to the packaged food under certain period of time. Food packaging should not contain any recycled content due to its health consequences for consumers.
Foopak Greaseproof Board®, Foopak Hardsize Board® and Foopak Heatsealable Board® are suitable for microwave application. In exception, PE coated products are generally not suitable for microwave application because its polyethylene polymer could extract due to lower melting point than average microwave heat temperature. This will possess the risk of chemical migration onto the packaged food.
It is recommended to use 330 gsm Foopak Greaseproof Board® with minimum Kit 6. Depending on needs, it may be desirable to use Foopak Greaseproof Board® with Hardsizing feature if consumer tends to store the burger inside refrigerator.
Kami merekomendasikan Foopak PE Laminated® 2-sisi dengan Hardsizing. Kami sarankan untuk menggunakan Foopak sebagai kemasan sekunder. Selanjutnya, substansi gsm pada kemasan bergantung pada penyimpanan produk dan prosedur tata letak kemasan (apakah ditumpuk? digabung dengan produk lain? dan sebagainya).
We can offer Foopak Natura Cup for this application. Our cup stock board offers strong wicking resistance and good barrier perfomance, as well as uniform rim formation and superior printabilty, with hygienic manufacturing standarts which is suitable for ice cream cups.
Dengan kualitas die cutting dan penyegelan yang tepat, Foopak Heatsealable Board® kami cocok dijadikan kemasan sandwich, karena mampu bertahan lebih dari 24 jam dalam suhu dingin 5 ̊C. Pelanggan kami telah menguji kemasan ini dan berhasil melewati 3 hari.
We recommend using 330 gsm Foopak Greaseproof Board® kit 8 with Hardsize Board to sustain wider temperature exposure which suits your need.
We would recommend using 2 side 330 gsm Foopak PE Board® to sustain better liquid penetration. In general, if liquid penetration is not an issue then we would offer 330 gsm Foopak Greaseproof Board® kit 8 or kit 10 for greasy food for take away boxes.
Foopak products can be offered to customer in two forms: roll and sheet. The minimum order quantity for roll is 10 MT with the width of min. 38.5 cm and max. 22.5 cm and core sizes of 3”, 4”, 6”, 10” and 12”. In sheet form, the minimum order quantity is 7 MT with the size of 45 cm x 50 cm. Three standard sizes available in sheet form are 78.7 cm x 109.2 cm, 88.9 cm x 119.4 cm and 70 cm x 100 cm.
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Pilihan pembayaran yang tersedia adalah uang tunai dan CIF (biaya, asuransi dan pengiriman).
Ya. Kami dapat menawarkan keduanya dengan lembar palet atau slip.
Tidak. Kami selalu menggunakan layanan logistik sendiri. Kami mengatur semua pengiriman logistik sampai tiba di pelabuhan tujuan Anda.