Foopak Bio Natura is designed to be the solution for eco-friendly food and beverage packaging. It utilizes proprietary aqueous dispersion coating technology to replace the plastic lining in the foodservice industry. Foopak Bio Natura is made from certified wood sources, Plastic Free (certified by Flustix Plastic Free Product), free from optical brightening agents (OBA), and offers high-temperature resistance and strong edge wick, providing superior functionality compared to normal cupstock. Due to its non-plastic nature, it can be composted within 12 weeks in an industrial composting facility or within 26 weeks in home composting. Additionally, Foopak Bio Natura is recyclable and repulpable without requiring any additional treatment or process.
- Tersertifikasi PEFC
- Safe for food & beverage direct contact and FDA & Europe Union certified
- Plastic-free
- Ramah lingkungan
- Mudah terurai (memiliki sertifikat EN13432)
- Recyclable and Repulpable without additional process (EN 13430 and ZSVR Germany from Institute Cyclos-HTP)
- Heat seal capability with permanent bonding thus the presence of adhesive is not required anymore.
- High-temperature migration conformity according to BfR XXXVI, EU No. 1935/2004, EU No. 10/2011, EN 1186-13:2002.
- Kualitas cetak yang mumpuni
- Microwaveable & ovenable compliance
Kegunaan Produk :
Gelas Minuman Panas / Dingin, Wadah Makanan, Mangkuk Nasi, Mangkuk Mie, Mangkuk Sup, Bowl Makanan, Wadah Snack, Kemasan Take Away, Pot Hortikultura, Mangkuk Salad, Cup Es Krim, Peralatan Makan, Sedotan Kertas.
UV Offset & UV Flexo cured by the UV curing such as Cathode Halide Lamp, UV LED, and UV EB.
*recommended to seek further technical advice and support from the ink vendors in terms of quality compliance between printing inks, printing methods, and its paperboard
Bagi pelanggan baru/penggunaan pertama kali, harap lakukan trial terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pemesanan komersial.
Disarankan untuk berdiskusi secara teknis dan informasi lebih lanjut dari supplier lem dan tinta terkait kompatibilitas kemampuan rekat dan kemampuan cetak, serta metode pencetakan yang digunakan.
Mohon diperhatikan bahwa mungkin ada kemungkinan perubahan kosmetik pada permukaan kertas karton setelah terkena microwave dan oven. Dalam hal ini, pelanggan harus memutuskan tingkat penerimaan perubahan kosmetiknya. Kertas karton memiliki kesesuaian migrasi suhu tinggi menurut EN 1186-13:2002 untuk memastikan bahwa kertas karton masih menyediakan fitur keamanan pangan selama penggunaan baik di microwave maupun oven. Terkait penggunaan kertas karton dalam oven, harap diperhatikan jenis makanan yang akan dipanaskan dalam oven beserta waktu pemasakan dan suhu pemasakannya. Misalnya, jenis makanan tertentu mungkin memerlukan 180°C dan 20 menit pemaparan. Jenis makanan lain mungkin memerlukan 150°C dan 30 menit pemaparan. Pernyataan ini hanya berlaku untuk kertas karton polos yang belum dicetak.
The test report explains no migration tendency for packaged food heated at very high temperatures (not exceeding 220°C for Bio Natura in 1 hour, and 175°C for Bio Container in 30
minutes) by using MPPO (Modified Polyphenylene Oxide). The MPPO is the recommended solid food simulant for migration testing of packaging materials in the European Union Regulation No
Furthermore, it explains that Foopak Bio Natura (CT) allowed for food with the vinegar sauce/ingredient heated in a microwave or oven. Please notice that the vinegar sauce/ingredient
in the food is not applicable in the microwave or oven for Foopak Bio Natura (CG) and Foopak Bio Container (GA) products.